It hatched in my mind
Like the sound of a tennis ball hitting the racket
Like the lucid moment of realising
That your lover making love with another
In front of your eyes
Is just a nightmare
Looking back— but I can’t
Memories sometimes erase in my mind
Like a computer game, delete and no return
A shot of this
A shot of that
Forgetfulness, a gift from the god of lies
Glasses that fall into my eyes
And ideas that bleed out of my blue
My body, paralyzed, waiting to dream
To dream and this time, go a bit further
A bit sicker
A bit more impossibly real
And the warm, swishing sound of
Never remembering
The hidden mass behind my fingertips
The monsters that hatch
Like the click of a suitcase
Or the moment when anticipation
Is over.
London/ June, 13 2013