The premise for this article came out of a Facebook chat I was having with my BFF in Iran. One of the pioneers of Iranian modern art, Farideh Lashai had just passed away (I actually had a dream about her a few nights before that and it freaking me out). We then complained about how little coverage her death – and life – had received over the years. Which brought me to this question: where are women in Iranian art?
To answer it, I interviewed contemporary female artists, curators and gallerists; from Shohreh Mehran and Newsha Tavakolian to the wonderful Lili Golestan, founder of Golestan gallery, Leila Heller, and art historian Hamid Keshmirshekan, among others.
Click here to read the whole article and while you’re at it, check out this wonderfully curated journal of cultural criticism and contemporary culture from the Middle East and North Africa.